Friday, June 24, 2016

Transition FAA Go ahead, Flying Cars are finally here?

The Terrafugia Transition, the flying Car that seems like it would never come, has just gotten the go ahead from the FAA for an increased weight carrying capacity and stall speed while still maintaining it's light sport status, this will allow it to be a street legal vehicle with modern safety standards, while also being an Airplane with modern aviation safety standards and state of the art equipment.

In related news NASA has unveiled it's plans to Jump start electric General Aviation, by building their own electric aircraft.

These steps are showing a very bright future for a revitalization in Aviation as a whole, not just Airships. I believe Airships and fixed wing aircraft are not going to be in competition this time around, but rather the relationship will be symbiotic.

The Terrafugia, really opens the door for a whole new picture on how the average person views aviation. Now you no longer need a Hanger if you want to have an Airplane, making the initial price and maintenance the only main concerns.

Terrafugia is going to be a forerunner to a very probable new market of roadable aircraft which is very likely to surpass the general aviation market as it stands. The future where we take a flying car to work may finally be arriving.

This has a very good possibility of changing peoples perceptions about aviation in general and leading to a larger willingness to explore new possibilities, which benefits Airships.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Airships are Coming to Battlefield 1

As we are still waiting for Airlander 10 to fly, some hype for Airships is being generated by the next Battlefield game from DICE. Battlefield 1 will take place in WWI, and Zeppelins are going to be implemented as a major gimmick to get people interested in the game. I generally stay away from games made by EA, but I must admit having a massive zeppelin in a game is something that gets my interest peaked enough to pay attention for a little bit.