Saturday, May 6, 2017

80 year Anniversary of the Hindenburg Disaster.

80 years ago today the end of the Golden Age of Airships came to a crashing end. So much time has come and gone and the world is lesser for it. Still, as the song goes, the dreamers may die, but the dreams live on. And on this day that dream is alive with the fire of the phoenix about to rise from the ashes and be born anew.

We are closer now then ever to a revitalization of the Airship as a viable alternative for air travel and air commerce. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into this sector with analysis predicting billions in growth in the coming years.

Airlander 10 is ready to fly again, Aero's is still hard at work , Sergey Brin is building his secret Airhips, Solarship has contracts to build airships for Africa, and Lockheed is on the verge of showing us it's latest design of a 20 ton hauling sky freighter.

No longer will the limits of the past hold us back, the world is ours for the taking and we will live in a time and age where Airship will rule the sky's once more, proving to the world that we have been missing so much without them.

Let us never forget the brave souls who lost their lives pioneering this technology, but let us also not let the past hold us back. We are living in the future now, were the impossible is ordinary and the unthinkable is practical. Its time to live again in an age were our dreams manifest our reality and our reality feeds the imagination and heals our souls.

It is time to let loose the bonds that hold us to this earth, and break the mental shackles that keep our minds constrained to the mundane, it's time to fly again. Fly like we have never flown before. It's time for the dream to come alive.

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