Saturday, January 18, 2020

What Happend to My Old Post

I haven't checked this blog in years, but when I came back I realized wow, my expo-say on the Aviation industry is gone.... not my hand, but it's just gone! Bravo, neo-fascists.  Wouldn't want my testimony as an apprentice airplane mechanic to be used in a court of law by youthful lawstudent who accidentally stumbled on my blog, now would we? Worlds being held together with shoestring as it is.

Well in short, society is almost dead and I saw it first hand as an apprentice airplane mechanic. Why do you think Elon Musk is working as fast as possible to get to Mars, in his estimation I bet we don't even have 30 years left... but... that kinda offers an opportunity for us airship enthusiasts no?

The FAA's over-regulation of general aviation has kept the technology in the stone age, but if society collapses, which with Trump buying the economy on the credit card is all but assured at this point... then maybe Airships will actually prove to be a good solution here on earth in the coming apocalypses...

Heck, if regulations are dead you could just build airships out of old airplane frames and what have you... yeah, it will be a lot safer to just get above all the cannibals that will undoubtedly plague the country side.

Yes, the Elites of the world are already building fallout shelters for when global warming comes and bites us all. The time to do something was in the 70s, but I wasn't even born then, so we are pretty much doomed at this point thanks to pre-war and post-war generations, and you wonder why use millennial s are bitter.

It won't be a Zombie apocalypses, but rather a cannibal apocalypse as world food supplies dry up and the USA becomes a 3rd world nation. Americans won't be able to deal, they will just end up killing the nabers and eating them for food, at lest that's what the elites think, and they are a hell of a lot smarter then then anyone in the "news".

But if you had an Airship, you can just get above it all. Which is probably why Surgay Burns is building one, and Lockheed too. They all know what's coming and they are getting prepared.

If I was no longer limited by what the FAA well then building and Airship might not be a bad idea... one could use 3d printers to build coupling parts, and put it all together like a kit plane. Distribute the content open source on whatever us Linux users build to still talk to each other in the dark age... ah well... I don't need to commit suicide.... society has already made that choice for us... isn't it grand.

Edit: Upon reflection, I realize this post is just an overreaction, maybe I deleted the post myself, although I doubt it. The only truth I know is Brits killed airships again and this is a dead blog.

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